Friday, September 21, 2012

      Soooo your wife is reading '50 Shades Of Grey'.

      Don't feel bad.Women are flicking throught this thing over lunch, browsing it on the subway, and reading it out loud at thier book clubs ... and whats crazier? they are all getting wildly turned on by this simple piece of fiction.

      And Christian women, for the most part, have been no exception.

      While it is considered litorotica, Christian men can get the edge they need and make it so their women will turn to them instead.

1) Women Like Christian Grey Because He Is Direct

There is no suppression of his manhood, especially as it relates to his feelings for Anna. He wants her. And he says it. He shows it. And he talks about it.

Takeaway: Be direct about your feelings for your wife/woman. Tell her you want her and how. Tell her what you want from her and when. Don't be afraid. Be direct

2) Women Like Christian Grey Because He Is Honest

Christian allows Anna to see his vulnerabilities. And before you think it makes him look like a wuss, think again. It makes him look honest. I mean think about it, is your woman REALLY going to believe you NEVER get afraid? Is she going to REALLY believe you NEVER make mistakes? No. So why try? Be honest with her about your weak points when the time is right. It will allow her to trust you more because you are being sincere.

3) Women Like Christian Grey Because He Is Sexually Aggressive

To keep it Christian, this is for married guys only. But I know all of you are listening so here we go. Women like to feel desired. The key word is 'feel'. They might KNOW they are desired, but you have to make her feel it. You have to communicate your desire for her sexually and otherwise in a way that taps her emotionally.

4) Women Like Christian Grey Because He Is Masculine And Leading

No you can't be this in every area of life [i.e., at work where you have a boss] or can you? Masculinity and leadership has less to do with titles and positions, and more to do with confidence and creativity. There is a saying, "Go where you are celebrated" that definitely applies here. Do the things you do well and own your manhood with confidence while doing so. Your woman will love you for it.

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